Saturday, July 11, 2009

New home for this blog, VOAMusic

Hello and warm greetings to those of you select beings who have been reading/accessing/browsing on this BlogSite over the past months. Tonight/this morning it was astonishing---as well as rewarding--to find a comparatively large number of hits on a site that hasn't until now been updated since March after a period of relatively low access by viewsers.

In the interests of efficiency, this blogsite will in the near future be merged with, or alternatively, with For those of you on Facebook, there is a related but in other ways soon to become very different site on the Facebook VOAWM unique page.

This change has been made to facilitate a one-stop Web option for surveying and savoring the rich range of work done by many VOA journalists on musical topics, as well as for (at the same time) providing access to your humble VOAWM's host's multiformat musings on musical matters.

And last of all: Please, please do post your comments either on and/or the Facebook VOAWM unique page: The energizing lifeblood of operations such as this is that old key buzz word, interactivity.

Keep searching/reading/browsing at your convenience the above sites, in your quest for musical treasures and anomalies, and we will appreciate your valuable comments and suggestions, as well as sharing of new musical joys and discoveries. And and of course rants as you are so moved. (what would the Internet be without controversy?)


Brian Q. Silver, your committed host.